Web Application
Penetration Testing

Web Application Penetration Testing is comprised of four main steps including information gathering, research and exploitation, reporting and recommendations, and remediation with ongoing support. These tests are performed primarily to maintain secure software code development throughout its lifecycle. Web application penetration testing involves a methodological series of steps aimed at gathering information about the target system, finding vulnerabilities or faults in them, researching for exploits that will succeed against those faults or vulnerabilities and compromise the web application.
Get Best Web Application Penetration Testing Training in Kolkata by Prudential Infotech
Web Application Penetration Testing is a method of evaluating the security of a Web Applications by methodically validating and verifying the effectiveness of application security controls.Web Penetration Testing Training in Kolkata from Prudential Infotech is a great opportunity for the students of Kolkata.Web application penetration testing is the process of using penetration testing techniques on a web application to detect its vulnerabilities.WAPT Course in Kolkata course will give you strong knowledges about Penetration Testing and help you to grow your career in this area.
Best WAPT Course in Kolkata
Best WAPT Course in Kolkatacourse will help the students and working professionals to understand the web based applications flaws and how to exploit them in a real world scenario. Once you understand how websites work, we will start talking about how we can exploit these components and this method of communication to carry out a number of powerful attacks. This course will take you from a beginner to a more advanced level.This is the course to take if you have to defend web applications.

course modules
- overviewofthewebfromapenetrationtester'sperspective
- Exploring the various server sand clients
- Discussion of the various web architectures
- Discovering how session state works
- Discussion of the different types of vulner abilities
- WHO is and DNS reconn aissance
- The HTTP protocol
- Web Socket
- Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) configurations and weaknesses
- Heart bleed exploitation
- Utilizing the Burp Suite in web apppenet ration testing
- Scanning with Nmap
- Discovering the infrastructure with in the application
- Identifying the machines and operating systems
- Exploring virtual hosting and its impact on testing
- Learning me thods to identify load balancers
- Software configuration discovery
- Learning tools to spider a website
- Brute for cingun linked files and directories
- Discovering and exploiting Shell shock
- Web authentication User name har vesting and password guessing Fuzzing Burp Intruder
- Session tracking
- Authentication bypass flaws
- Mutillidae
- Command Injection
- Directory traversal
- Local File Inclusion(LFI)
- Remote File Inclusion(RFI)
- SQL injection
- Blind SQL injection
- Error based SQL injection
- Exploiting SQL injection
- SQL injection tools
- SQL map
- XMLExternalEntity(XXE)
- Cross-SiteScripting(XSS)
- Browser Exploitation Frame work(BeEF)
- XML and JSON
- DocumentObjectModel(DOM)
- Logic attacks
- API attacks
- Data attacks
- Cross-Site Request Forgery(CSRF)
- Python for web app penetration testing
- WP Scan
- w3af
- Meta sploit for web penetration testers
- Lever aging attacks to gain access to the system
- How to pivo tour attacks through a web application
- Exploiting applications to steal cookies
- Executing commands through web application vulner abilities
- When tools fail