Penetration Testing

A network penetration testing is the process of identifying security vulnerabilities in applications and systems by intentionally using various malicious techniques to evaluate the network’s security, or lack of, responses.
Our network penetration testing course will teach you all about detecting exploitable vulnerabilities in networks, systems, hosts and network devices much before the hackers exploit them.
Get Best Network Penetration Testing Training in Kolkata by Prudential Infotech
Learn to protect a computer network and gain useful skills in risk management, cyber security, and cryptography from our Network Penetration Testing Training in Kolkata course. Penetration Testing is a Network Security Service, which is one of several methods used to prevent unauthorized network intrusion. Grow your network penetration testing skills from the industry experts. This course will help you to learn comprehensive approaches to protecting your infrastructure and securing your data, including risk analysis and mitigation and cloud-based security.
Network Penetration Testing Course in Kolkata
From Network Penetration Testing Course in Kolkata, you will learn how to Analyze your exposure to security threats, how to protect your organization's systems and data. How to deploy firewalls and data encryption to minimize threats & how to assess alternative user and host authentication mechanisms etc. We provide online & classroom training both. In this course of Network Penetration Testing Training in Kolkata you will gain knowledge and skills in network security that will help you protect your organization's systems and data.

course modules
- The Mindset of the Professional Pen Tester
- Building a World-Class Pen Test Infrastructure
- Creating Effective Pen Test Scopes and Rules of Engagement
- Detailed Recon Using the Latest Tools
- Effective Pen Test Reporting to Maximize Impact
- Mining Search Engine Results
- Document Metadata Extraction and Analysis
- Tips for Awesome Scanning
- Tcpdump for the Pen Tester
- Nmap In-Depth: The Nmap Scripting Engine
- Version Scanning with Nmap
- Vulnerability Scanning with Nessus
- False-Positive Reduction
- Packet Manipulation with Scapy
- Enumerating Users
- Netcat for the Pen Tester
- Monitoring Services during a Scan
- Client-Side Attacks with Metasploit
- Exploiting Network Services and Leveraging the Meterpreter
- Evading Anti-Virus Tools with the Veil Framework
- Metasploit Databases and Tool Integration
- Port Pivoting Relays
- Comprehensive Metasploit Coverage with Exploits, Stagers and Stages
- Strategies and Tactics for Anti-Virus Evasion
- In-Depth Meterpreter Analysis,Hands-On
- Implementing Port Forwarding Relays for Merciless Pivots
- Leveraging PowerShell Empire for Post Exploitation
- Windows Command Line Kung Fu for Penetration Testers
- Creating Malicious Services and Leveraging the Wonderful WMIC Toolset " PowerShell's Amazing Post-Exploitation Capabilities
- Password Attack Tips
- MetasploitPsexec and Hash Dumping
- Account Lockout and Strategies for Avoiding It
- Automated Password Guessing with THC-Hydra
- Retrieving and Manipulating Hashes from Windows,Linux, and Other Systems
- Pivoting through Target Environments
- Extracting Hashes and Passwords from Memory with Mimikatz Kiwi
- Applying Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking Practices End-to-End
- Detailed Scanning to find Vulnerabilities and Avenues to Entry
- Exploitation to Gain Control of Target Systems
- Post-Exploitation to Determine Business Risk
- Merciless Pivoting
- Analyzing Results to Understand Business Risk and Devise Corrective Actions